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3 Reasons to Automate Identity Lifecycle Management | Clarity Security

Written by Clarity Security | Jan 19, 2024 6:50:08 PM

Understanding the identity lifecycle is imperative for effectively managing user identities within an organizational framework. This journey encompasses the creation, progression, and eventual termination or deletion of an identity. This being said, Identity Lifecycle Management (LCM) assumes a pivotal role in overseeing user identities and their access privileges throughout their tenure.

Instead of relying on manual procedures, organizations can harness automation for Identity Lifecycle Management. This entails integrating third-party software or on-prem solutions with HR systems and/or Active Directory. Through the synchronization of these sources of truth, changes initiated by HR prompt automated actions across downstream applications. This removes the necessity for manual provisioning or de-provisioning of user accounts, thereby augmenting operational efficiency.

Significance of Automated LCM:

Including automation as a part of your identity lifecycle management processes helps to strengthen IT General and Application controls, ensuring adherence to principles such as least privilege, role-based access controls (RBAC), and zero-trust. This is particularly vital for organizations complying with regulatory requisites like HIPAA, PCI, or HiTrust.

3 Key Reasons for Implementing Automated LCM:

  1. Mitigating Security Risks:
    A recent study done by Beyond Identity reported that 83% of former employees claimed to still have account access to company resources post-termination. The retention of access by former employees to company resources post-termination poses a significant threat, putting the organization's whole environment at risk. Automated lifecycle management ensures immediate deprovisioning upon HR processing termination paperwork, minimizing the risks of IP loss and IT service disruption. 
  2. Efficient Access Management:
    Manual handling of access requests proves time-consuming. Automation streamlines identity lifecycle management, enabling users to obtain timely access without manual intervention. Customizable workflows automate provisioning or deprovisioning based on roles, departments, or identity types.
  3. Enhanced Audit Outcomes: 
    Automation reinforces IT General and Application Controls, thereby improving audit outcomes by reducing deficiencies. This is because automated identity lifecycle management systems use services like dynamic role mining to ensure RBAC compliance, contain role creep, and enforce the policy of least privilege.

Automating the identity lifecycle not only mitigates risks but also saves time, enhances audit outcomes, improves onboarding processes, and reduces IT operational costs. The benefits of identity lifecycle automation are both extensive and immediate, making it a an necessary practice for organizations that are looking to strengthen their cybersecurity and boost their operational efficiency.

Explore a solution that transforms Identity Lifecycle Management, effortlessly refining your processes with tailored workflows, real-time deprovisioning, and adaptive access controls. Address security risks, enhance audit compliance, and optimize operational costs seamlessly through Clarity's Automated Identity Lifecycle Management. Discover Clarity's simple and effective identity governance and administration (IGA) solution in action. Schedule your demo today to experience the incredible power of secure and efficient identity management.