Clarity Blog

September 2023 Product Release Notes | Clarity Security | IGA Solution

Written by Clarity Security | Sep 13, 2023 8:24:26 PM

Clarity 1.4 is now live! This update includes not only new capabilities centered around Risk Powered Governance, but also introduces Clarity’s proprietary Machine Learning Model to the platform. Learn about all the new features and fixes below.

Risk Powered Governance

Reviewers can now leverage Machine Learning to accurately identify, measure, and predict identity-related risk in their environment, as well as the potential audit and threat impact. Risk Powered Governance updates also include:

  • Automatic identity-entitlement risk scoring
  • New dashboard items like current risk metrics for easy reporting to admins and executives
  • Separation of Duties (SOD) tagging and a specific User Access Reviews specifically for SOD violations

“With this update, we’re bringing Risk Powered Governance (RPG) to all of our customers. In addition to being able to predict if improperly reviewed access will impact audit outcomes, RPG makes it possible to measure the material impact that your IAM and IGA efforts have on your organization,” said Greg Glass, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer.


Improved Reporting Capabilities

Clarity 1.4 includes a completely remodeled administrator portal that includes out of the box reporting capabilities that support filtering, grouping, and exporting. Administrators and auditors now have instant high visibility into the complex data Clarity manages. These changes make reporting up to leadership faster and easier while also being more accurate and risk conscious. These new reporting features also make for easy evidence collection during audits.

“I’m very proud of the work our team has done in this area. We took customer feedback and turned it into some powerful new features that are purpose built to support organizations looking to adopt Risk Powered Governance within their identity and access management programs,” commented Glass.  


Additional Logging Functionality around Completeness and Accuracy

This update includes additional logging to continuously keep track of aggregate data and granular data down to the user level. Anytime an identity or service user has an attribution change (active status, name change, etc.) administrators now have complete and accurate change logs so they can see proof of the change and when it took place. This also makes it easier to identify user entitlement anomalies.

“Better logs=better audit outcomes. Completeness and accuracy are table stakes for our product because it makes sure our customers get that much needed visibility and evidence across their application landscape,” added Glass.


Updated Look and Feel of Clarity

We’ve reworked the Clarity UI to make it more navigable and user friendly, including a completely new dashboard. Risk metrics are now front and center for administrators to quickly evaluate the state of risk across an application landscape. User Access Reviews received a complete re-work to support   Risk Scoring, contextual risk, risk score thresholds, identity reviews, multiselect functionality and more.

Additional Changes

  • Additional tagging and User Access Reviews for Separation of Duties (SOD) violations and active identity reviews.
  • All 100+ out-of-the-box connectors have been refactored to be contextually aware of capabilities. This translates to a faster, more streamlined process when connecting new applications to your Clarity environment. This change also means our dev team can spin up new connectors faster and more accurately than before. A real win-win!
  • Clarity now supports flexible, condition-based rules for assigning usernames when provisioning new users into an application. A feature request from multiple customers, you can set up as many username rules as you want to based on conditions, such as identity type.
  • Customers have more control and flexibility within identity types. Think differentiating between guest users, employees, contractors, admins, and more. This makes access management more granular, accurate, and helps to meet real-world use cases that our customers encounter regularly.
  • Bugs happen, but we do our best to squash them as quickly as possible. In addition to bug fixes, we've made improvements to our QA processes to ensure we always deliver the best product possible.

Want to see these changes in action? Schedule a demo now.