Beyond the Booth

Beyond the Booth: A Recap of ISACA GRC 2024

Beyond the Booth: A Recap of ISACA GRC 2024

Clarity recently got the opportunity to connect with some of the brightest minds and leading GRC professionals at the Information Systems Audit & Control Association (ISACA) Governance, Risk, and Control (GRC) 2024 Conference in Austin, Texas. 

A little background...

ISACA is a global professional membership organization that seeks to empower IT and IS professionals through skill development and educational learning. Serving the industry for over 50 years, they are widely recognized as the gold standard for advancing knowledge and careers, creating community, business growth solutions, and acting as a pioneer for positive change in an ever-evolving space. 

This conference is a big deal in the industry, emphasizing the importance of a unified approach to governance and management. For us, it was a great opportunity to connect, learn, and join the conversation on the future of information systems auditing and control.

Key Learnings

1. AI is here...and GRC leaders need to be ready.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the future of GRC in ways that can’t be ignored. The primary focus for GRC professionals now is on adapting and thriving in this new landscape. One major topic that came up was ensuring that stakeholders know how to properly vet AI vendors to ensure seamless integration and security. 

2. Adaptability is the name of the game moving forward.

Almost every speaker touched on the importance of staying agile and flexible as new technologies and threats continue emerging. Some notable examples of this include speakers like:

  • Zack Kass who lended insight how to navigate an AI-augmented future
  • Rachel Wilson who spoke on the need for resilience in the face of evolving cyber threats
  • Justin Forsett, the former NFL player turned entrepreneur, who offered a fresh perspective on handling challenges and transitions during this ever-evolving time
3. Career success requires mindful preparation.

The “Setting Yourself Up for Success” session, led by ISACA’s Julia Kanouse and IIA’s Brad Monterio, covered everything from the profession’s future to building effective controls and communicating GRC issues. This theme extended into hands-on workshops focusing on AI and multi-cloud strategies, along with inspiring innovation sessions that kept GRC industry ideas flowing. 

4. A complex IT infrastructure shouldn't spell doom for your governance programs.

Clarity CRO, James Davison, grabbed everyone’s attention with his session: Navigating Complex IT Environments Without Sacrificing Identity Governance. This 15 minute talk touched on the most common IGA pitfalls and left attendees with practical insights like:

  • Tips for evaluating IGA vendors based on the needs of their current program
  • How to set clear goals for successful implementation
  • Why past IGA initiatives might have struggled or failed, and how to turn them around.
  • Learning to identify which compromises are worth making—and which aren’t—when adopting new IGA technology.

Additionally, James demonstrated how Clarity addresses these issues head-on, including but not limited to: A demonstration of how Clarity simplifies and secures access management for organizations, a review of some of Clarity's lifecycle automations and how they reduce risk, as well as showing how the Clarity platform provides visibility and control over who has access to what, ensuring secure and compliant identity management.

If you missed his session, no worries. You can watch the full session here.


In summary, the ISACA GRC annual conference provided a wealth of knowledge of attendees and sponsors alike. Everyone in attendance learned about how pivotal AI adoption will be in the coming years, how remaining adaptable protects GRC professionals from falling behind, the key role preparation plays for rising leaders, and how successful IGA is still possible with a complex IT environment.

To learn more about how Clarity can help you successfully launch an identity governance program in your complex environment, request your demo here.

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