Access Review in computer with dropshadow

The best security teams leverage better identity tools.

Centralized Access Certifications

Seamlessly consolidate all existing user access into one easy-to-use platform for fast & accurate certifications (and re-certifications.)

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Separation of Duties (SoD) Access Reviews

Easily review access across identities, groups, entitlements, and more to reveal where Separation of Duties conflicts exist and remedy them on the spot. 

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Nested Groups

Clarity finds all access across domains and trusts, linking the groups, and outlining all parent-child access relationships via an access hierarchy. It then enriches your reviews, showing all associated access items being approved and highlighting inappropriate access being granted through nested groups.

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Risk Scoring & Prioritization

Shuffling through hundreds of thousands of access items leads to errors, lowering your chance of maintaining compliance and opening you up to risk. Clarity's patented machine learning model ranks and displays your organization's highest-risk items first, providing context around each item and allowing users to remedy issues on the spot.

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Reporting and Auditor-Ready CSV Exports

Offering both the most in-depth as well as widest range of reporting options, Clarity makes it simple to pull comprehensive reports on things like expiring access, additions, orphaned accounts, and removals of entitlements.

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As Seen On...

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Take a tour and see how easy Clarity makes access reviews.

Creating a User Access Review in Clarity

Learn how to create an access review in Clarity with this interactive demo.

Create a UAR Tourial Screenshot



Completing a User Access Review in Clarity

Learn how to conduct a full user access review in Clarity with this interactive demo.

Complete a UAR Tourial Screenshot



Completing a Nested Access Review in AD

Learn how to conduct an AD nested access review in Clarity with this interactive demo.

nested access review in AD



What Customers Are Saying

"Clarity is fairly simple to use and manage. Their team is great at getting applications and connections integrated."

"Clarity allows you to think very critically about employee access.”

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User Access Reviews

What are User Access Reviews?

Discover the importance of user access reviews in data security and compliance.

User Access Reviews

Why Managers Rubberstamp User Access Reviews

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