Identity Governance

Understanding Identities in the Realm of Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

In the wild world of Identity Governance and Administration (IGA), an "identity" isn't just some run-of-the-mill username and password combo. An identity, within the context of Clarity Security's platform, is a comprehensive grouping of Service Users, Attributes, and assigned Entitlements. This combination forms a Unified Identity, shaping an individual's access to an organization's application landscape.


What Generates an Identity?

In the Clarity Security Platform, identities are not just created out of thin air, they’re generated dynamically from connected applications. These applications contribute essential data that, when combined, forms a Unified Identity directly tied to a single entity within Clarity. This integration is not a one-time thing. It’s a continuous process. The connected applications keep feeding essential data, ensuring that the identities in Clarity remain up to date and in sync with the latest information. It’s like having a constant stream of updates, as new data flows in and your unified identity evolves.


Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Identities within Clarity’s Platform


The inception of Identities occurs during the onboarding process. Data is collected from all the connected systems and applications to form a unified identity that provides an overview of an individual’s access landscape. New Identities originating from a Source of Truth automatically create corresponding Identities in Clarity during the next successful sync without even lifting a finger. However, manual creation within Clarity is also an option.


So, imagine this: you're in charge of overseeing the ever-changing identities within your organization. Now, these identities have to follow the policies your company sets, which let's be honest, probably change more often than the office coffee machine gets cleaned (which is never, by the way).

With Clarity, any modifications you make to identities in your downstream applications will effortlessly sync up with the system during the next successful sync.

This dynamic synchronization ensures that every little tweak and touch you make to the identities gets promptly updated across the entire system. So, no more worried whispers of "did the changes take effect?" or "did I just send Karen from Accounting a notification about that promotion she didn't get? Awkward."

With Clarity, you can rest easy, knowing that your modifications will be reflected in all the right places and your system will always be up to date.


The process of deactivating or deleting identities is contingent on your company's practices and audit requirements. Deactivation is like pressing the pause button on user access, but, essential user information is retained. Now, for those organizations bound by audit constraints, opt for deactivation to meet compliance standards.

When it comes to deactivating or deleting identities, it all depends on your company's practices and audit requirements. Deactivation means disabling user access while keeping important user information intact. Some organizations choose deactivation to meet compliance standards dictated by audits.

Understanding how to create, modify, and delete identities is crucial for efficient Identity Governance and Administration. With Clarity Security's platform, you get a seamless framework that aligns with your organizational practices. This ensures a robust and compliant identity management process. Pretty nifty, right?

Ready to explore the power of Unified Identities with Clarity Security? Schedule a personalized demo today!

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